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Robert Forster
U4 team member

Robert Forster

Programme Adviser

I focus on the politics of unequal development and governance. At U4, my work centres on the Middle East and North Africa as part of the centre's thematic work on anti-corruption in climate, environment, and natural resource extraction.

I earned my M.Sc. from the University of Edinburgh and am nearing the completion of my PhD at the University of Bergen, Norway, which examines internal displacement and housing in Lebanon. Before joining U4, I served as a Doctoral Researcher at CMI, with a focus on migration and displacement, and a Research Associate at the Political Settlements Research Programme, University of Edinburgh, where I focused on conflict mediation, peace agreement design, and political transitions following violent crises.

My research has appeared in journals such as the Middle East Journal, Journal of Peacebuilding and Development, and Middle East Policy.

See list of publications