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International good practice in anti-corruption legislation

The scope and content of legal instruments used to address corruption vary from country to country. They usually contain a definition of the various forms of corruption that are made illegal, provide for sanctions and penalties, outline specific rules of evidence for the investigation and prosecution of corruption charges and specify the powers of the institutions in charge of enforcing anti-corruption regulations. Some anti-corruption laws also provide for the establishment of special anti-corruption agencies. Emerging good practice in this area includes prohibiting both active and passive forms of corruption for both the private and the public sectors, covering offences committed both within and outside the country, and introducing adequate criminal procedures regulating the detection, investigation and prosecution of cases. Anti-corruption legislation often provides a comprehensive legal framework that goes beyond provisions criminalising active and passive forms of bribery to c
24 February 2010
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International good practice in anti-corruption legislation

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Chêne, M. (2010) International good practice in anti-corruption legislation. Bergen: U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Helpdesk Answer null)

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Marie Chêne


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