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U4 Brief

Anti-corruption and the role of chambers of commerce and business associations

Recent initiatives such as the Global Compact (Principle 10) and the DAC Revised Principles for Donor Action in Anti-Corruption call for proactively engaging the private sector in anticorruption efforts. These are new, important and promising agreements for combating corruption worldwide. However, the precise nature of how to engage and support the private sector is not defined. This brief explores ways for donors to increase their engagement with the private sector through the support of business associations and chambers of commerce.

2 September 2007
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Anti-corruption and the role of chambers of commerce and business associations

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Weimer, M. (2007) Anti-corruption and the role of chambers of commerce and business associations. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Brief 2007:12) 4 p.

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Markus Weimer


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